Books & Other Cool Stuff

God Winks and Miracles Happen

Click here to be redirected to Amazon where you may purchase the book in paperback or digital. 

This is a true story of how Steve was diagnosed with his brain tumor, the 2% chance of him recovering, and what our lives look like today.  It is a fascinating and easy read either by the fireside, beach, or pool side. It also gives you guidelines for how you can be prepared for when life throws you a major curve.  

Make sure to download either the Free CYA Checklist or the 5 Step Guide below. They come in handy once you finish the book.  

“I forgot to take it (her book) with me last weekend and I had a meeting cancel this afternoon so I thought...I'll read a chapter or two and then get back to work. Ha! Read the whole thing and just finished. Couldn't put it down, Rhonda. OMG, what a story and what an experience! I felt like she was in the room with me reading it out loud to me. That's how real Rhonda is.”

Donna, Business Coach

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